California Employer’s Services Blog Articles

Should Cal-OSHA Raise Their Fines

This may sound like a dumb question in view of the fact that fines were just raised in November of 2016. There is a cry going out in the industry that is yes fines should be raised more.  One simple reason is that 90% of employers are not in compliance.  Another...

91% Of Employers Swept by LETF Fail Compliance Regulations

Why are employers saying no to California Compliance Regulations? According to the Labor Enforcement Task Force Report from 2012-2016, non-compliance has grown from 75% to 91% of the companies targeted. Now while the sample size is small only about 800 targeted...

What Is The Coming and Going Rule?

The coming and going rule is in play when employees are driving. From time to time, one of our members will ask, “Am I responsible for my employee actions while they are commuting from home to work?”  Another question that employers ask concerning this issue is “do I...

What is Progressive Discipline

Many of our clients are asking us about the subject of progressive discipline. I am not a big fan of this form of employee discipline.  I am a fan of At will employment but we will talk more about that later.  If you are going to use this as a way to discipline your...

Cal-OSHA/California Employment Laws Are Being Ignored

California Employment Laws enforcement teams are challenged by Non-Compliance In 2012 the Department of Industrial Relations put together a task force that would fine employers who were not in compliance with California Employment Laws and Cal-OSHA Standards. The task...

New Indoor Heat Illness Prevention Program Is a Burden To Employers

The new indoor heat prevention program requirements are now in effect is your business compliant? While working in the field with Cal-OSHA Enforcement Teams the goal has been made very clear.  The goal is to have every employer with one or more employees get a...